(SOS) State Of Sedation
Lawrence- Guitarist
Philip- Lead Guitarist
Elisa- Bassist
Jon- Drummer
Band Diary
You Guys
Band Diary

Band Practices
October 19th, 2003 Sunday @ Christians
We worked on "Letters". Jon tried to figure out a drum part for it. Worked on "Behind The Smile" a little bit.
Who Showed Up
               Elisa       Christian                
Lawerence     Jon    
Novemeber 19th, 2003 Wednesday @ Elisa's
We worked on "Dammit", "Glycerin", and "She Wants Him For Now" for BOTC.  We recorded a little bit on the video camera.  Elisa needs to work on the vocals for "She Wants Him For Now".  
Who Showed Up 
Elisa   Philip   Lawerence 
December 5th, 2003  Friday @ Elisa's House
We worked on "Letters" and "She Wants Him For Now". Philip and Lawerence worked on a solo for a song.  Toni tuned Lawerence's guitar. My dad ordered pizza for everyone.  Jon was being stupid.  I recorded it on video and so did Toni.
Who Showed Up
Lawerence                    Toni
Elisa                            Philip
December 13th, 2003 Saturday @ Christian's
We were suppossed to have practice from 12-7 pm but it turned out that it was from 2-5pm so there wasn't alot done. Christian messed up his bass and was trying to fix it. Jon was on restriction so he couldn't come. Philip was getting over the flu but he still came. We worked on "Dammit" and Christian figured out his bass part. We also worked on "She Wants Him For Now" and "Letters". Elisa figured out how to sing "She Wants Him For Now" kinda. The song still needs to be worked on. Elisa needs the new lyrics to "Letters" and the stuff Jon added. All of this was video taped.
Who Showed Up
Lawerence    Christian
Elisa    Philip
February 7th, 2003 Saturday @ Jon's House
We all were there by at least 1 and I don't think we left until like 8pm. Bobby's accident of a guitar part wound up really working with what we were working on, so we kept it like that. Jon and Christian were confused about when to play what. Elisa forgot the words after we came back from break so she didn't sing the rest of the time. We recorded a tape to practice with. Elisa got some pictures of the band taken for the site. Really good practice guys!
People Who Showed Up
Christian      Lawrence
Jon          Bobby
Elisa          Sammy
February 14th, 2003 Saturday @ Jon's
Yeah it was a stupid practice. It was more a a group bonding thing. We worked on Christian's song. Elisa was playing bass and Christian was singing. It contains "Oi oi oi" and "Walking down the street" and that's about it. It was lots of fun. Phil and Christian had spent the night before so they were there when Elisa got there at 12:30pm. They spent the night at Jon's again and Elisa went home at like 8pm. Great bonding time.
People That Showed Up
Christian        Jon
Philip           Elisa
February 19th, 2003 @ Jon's house
Worked on "Aderole" alot. Non-stop almost. Elisa was feeling sick. We are trying to have practice everyweek. So we have been perfecting "aderole" and that's it.
Who Showed Up
Jon            Philip
Bobby           Elisa
Lawrence   Christian